Posted on 23/01/2022 by Charlotte Frank

The workplace can be an ever changing and stressful environment, with constant challenges being thrown our way. Many people believe the key to professional success is to go above and beyond the demands of their role and work after hours or take on extra responsibilities. However, within the modern workplace which is filled with redundancies, rivalry, cutbacks, organisational changes, etc success is best achieved through a person's ability to cope and thrive when put in these stressful situations.
The ability to ‘bounce back’ from and respond calmly to stressful situations is called resilience and much like we build muscle and strength when we do physical exercise, resilience can similarly be built through practice.
Resilience is important within the workplace for so many reasons, it helps make people feel more motivated, capable of dealing with change, and less susceptible to burn out. It will also help improve your overall health as resilience and wellbeing in the workplace are closely linked.
Ways you can be more resilient at work:
1.Focus on your physical wellbeing
Resilience and health go hand in hand with each other. Employees that get adequate sleep are 4.2 times more likely to be resilient, however sleep isn’t the only thing that can help boost your resilience from a physical perspective. Taking steps such as eating healthily, staying hydrated and exercising regularly can also improve resilience. People are 3.5 times more likely to be resilient when they are in good physical health.
2.Utilise relaxation techniques
Another way that you can build on your resilience is by training the mind to stay relaxed during stressful periods. Find an activity that works for you and helps you relax and destress such as cooking, gardening, drawing, whatever it may be. There are also a number of meditation and relaxation apps available that can help with bringing calm into your life.
3.Reframe threats as challenges
When you see something as a threat, you perceive the situation to be beyond your control, you develop fear, anxiety and anger. However when you see something as a challenge, you recognise the potential for growth which helps you develop your emotional resources and mental capacity to deal with new situations.
4.Surround yourself with a support network
Having a network around you of your family and friends that you can go to for support and to talk to when you are feeling stressed or anxious is key to becoming more resilient. It is thought that extroverted individuals are more likely to be resilient than introverts.
5.Watch your stress levels
Another way to help build resilience is to self-monitor, identify how you feel and act when you are stressed. Being able to catch yourself when you are stressed and make time for calm is extremely important. To bring yourself back to a positive mindset think about what has gone well in your day and the little successes, you got this!
The ability to be resilient will enable you to feel motivated, work well with others and ride out times of difficulty and change. The steps listed above are a good way to begin your journey to becoming more resilient in this new year.