Posted on 24/11/2022 by Charlotte Frank
It has been an exciting time for us here at Charlotte Frank, as the world has opened up again and the restrictions in Hong Kong are no more, we have been able to hold our first in person event! Recently, we were lucky enough to have the wonderful Tracy Ho come in to host a masterclass in the world of LinkedIn.
This opportunity was open to a handful of our network with the aim to help them set up or improve their LinkedIn profiles. It was brilliant to be able to bring a small group together in person after so many years of not being able to.
Over the course of the few hours we spent together we covered a whole realm of topics relevant to the theme. As majority of the group had yet to create a LinkedIn profile, the most important topic covered was the importance of having one and how to represent yourself on the website in a professional manner.
Below you can find some of the key points covered in this session:
10 steps to creating an ‘all-star’ LinkedIn profile: where Tracy ran through some basics steps that anyone can take to help boost their LinkedIn profile.
Considerations to make when choosing a professional headshot.
The buzzwords to avoid.
Writing a compelling headline as this is one of the first things people see when visiting your profile.
How to structure your about section on LinkedIn; making sure it is concise and accurately represents your professional self.
The session was an opportunity for not only Tracy to share her useful tips but for the group to share their ideas as well as fears and challenges that they face around LinkedIn. It was a really great way for the group to bond and realise that they are not alone when it comes to these challenges. Tracy was then able to expand on these and put their fears at bay.
We are all thrilled with the feedback we have had from this event and will be hosting more group events going forward, it was great to see how much everybody got out of it and to see new faces connecting on LinkedIn since.
Of course, this event could not have been possible without the lovely Tracy from Frame and Fame, we very much look forward to collaborating again in the near future and thank everyone for their contributions to the evening.